Within you blooms unparalleled psychic might and impossibly vast vistas of knowledge. Any knowledge or skill that was possessed by a human from the 40k universe at any point in time is granted to you, and all at superhuman levels of proficiency. Your physical and mental abilities skyrocket as well, leaving you able to go toe to toe with monsters simply from raw prowess. Your psyker abilities are the equal of the Emperor's at his peak, with perfect control and understanding. The Warp does not exist here as it does in the 40k universe, meaning that the perils of the warp aren't particularly notable. You know how to induce these abilities in others, and train them in their use. Combined with your mastery of all human technology you have all the knowledge to forge an empire greater and vaster than anything possible in the original lore. First things first. You'll need warriors to face the dangers of this world beside you. Genetic technologies and treatments float to the forefront of your mind. Almost like they are eager to raise your first legions.

Emperor of Mankind

1560 × 2019 — PNG 3.9 MB

Added to Cool Powers8 months ago — 893 views

Within you blooms unparalleled psychic might and impossibly vast vistas of knowledge. Any knowledge or skill that was possessed by a human from the 40k universe at any point in time is granted to you, and all at superhuman levels of proficiency. Your physical and mental abilities skyrocket as well, leaving you able to go toe to toe with monsters simply from raw prowess. Your psyker abilities are the equal of the Emperor's at his peak, with perfect control and understanding. The Warp does not exist here as it does in the 40k universe, meaning that the perils of the warp aren't particularly notable. You know how to induce these abilities in others, and train them in their use. Combined with your mastery of all human technology you have all the knowledge to forge an empire greater and vaster than anything possible in the original lore. First things first. You'll need warriors to face the dangers of this world beside you. Genetic technologies and treatments float to the forefront of your mind. Almost like they are eager to raise your first legions.