You are completely and absolutely invulnerable and immune to harm. No effect or force can negatively affect you physically, regardless of its nature. This extends even to the functions of your own body, meaning that you never tire, require no sustenance (air included), and even negative mental effects are limited to the point that you don't have to worry about stress doing permanent mental harm. Even sleep is just for pleasure or relaxation rather than a need to refresh yourself.

You have almost limitless amounts of strength and can fly and move at hypersonic speeds, with perfect maneuverability and reaction time to match. You can see and hear at extreme distances, even if doing so should otherwise be impossible. Your mind is enhanced just like your body, skyrocketing your mental capabilities to superhuman levels, with an absolutely perfect memory.

The field that pervades your body providing these abilities also extends itself to things you are touching, letting you ignore the effects of physics when you apply your strength and speed. You have more leverage then should be possible when you grab something, exert immense force with minor motions, large objects don't collapse under their own weight, and catching or carrying people at extreme speeds won't harm them.

You are an unstoppable force and an immovable object.


1502 × 2048 — PNG 3.2 MB

Added to Cool Powers8 months ago — 995 views

You are completely and absolutely invulnerable and immune to harm. No effect or force can negatively affect you physically, regardless of its nature. This extends even to the functions of your own body, meaning that you never tire, require no sustenance (air included), and even negative mental effects are limited to the point that you don't have to worry about stress doing permanent mental harm. Even sleep is just for pleasure or relaxation rather than a need to refresh yourself.

You have almost limitless amounts of strength and can fly and move at hypersonic speeds, with perfect maneuverability and reaction time to match. You can see and hear at extreme distances, even if doing so should otherwise be impossible. Your mind is enhanced just like your body, skyrocketing your mental capabilities to superhuman levels, with an absolutely perfect memory.

The field that pervades your body providing these abilities also extends itself to things you are touching, letting you ignore the effects of physics when you apply your strength and speed. You have more leverage then should be possible when you grab something, exert immense force with minor motions, large objects don't collapse under their own weight, and catching or carrying people at extreme speeds won't harm them.

You are an unstoppable force and an immovable object.